Milectria Est OÜ laatii ulkopuolisen konsultin kanssa ja osana apurahaprojektia digitalisaation tiekartan. Hankkeen ja tiekarttadokumentin laadinnan tavoitteena on kartoittaa yrityksen nykyinen digitalisoitumisen taso, tunnistaa yrityksen keskeisten prosessien pullonkaulat, jotka voidaan ratkaista digitalisoinnin ja pullonkaulojen ratkaisemiseen tähtäävien investointien avulla, selvittää hankkeen ROI ja vaikutus yrityksen taloudelliseen tulokseen sekä kehittää toimintasuunnitelma tarvittavien ratkaisujen toteuttamiseksi tulevaisuudessa. Hanketta […]
Read moreMilectria Oy osallistuu SecD-Day-näyttelyyn 29.-30.1.2025 Helsingin Messukeskuksessa. Löydät meidät osastolta 5p15. Milectria Oy on kasvavien sähköjärjestelmien valmistaja, joka keskittyy osaamiseen ja laadukkaaseen työhön. Kehitämme, valmismme ja valmistamme tuotetta vaatiin vaativiin käyttötarkoituksiin puolustus-, sotilas ja valmistus. Tuomme lisäarvoa asiakkaillemme täyttämällä niiden jäl valmistus-, testaus-, jitettävyys- ja muutoksenhallintavaatimukset. Milectria on kansainvälinen yritys, jolla on toimintaa Suomessa, Virossa […]
Read moreMilectria Middle East Cables LLC was proud to present company to Tuula Yrjölä and Counsellor Johanna Riihimaa. Thank you very much for your time and willingness to visit us. Milectria is an expanding manufacturer of electrical systems with a product range comprising wire and cable harnesses and electrical panels. We put a heavy emphasis on […]
Read moreWe are proud to announce that Milectria Middle East Cables LLC will move to a new location on June 15, 2023 to accommodate our growth. New offices and production facilities address is ICAD 3, Business Park, Plot 29, Building 16 Abu Dhabi, UAE. The design of the premises has been based on versatility and easy […]
Read moreMilectria Oy and Milectria Power Oy have been awarded 26.4.2023 by Visio Zero Forum highest ranking of occupational safety: Level I, In World´s Forefront of Occupational Safety. The awarding is based on examination of the frequency and seriousness of occupational accidents as well as actions made to prevent accidents. To achieve ranking methods for investigating […]
Read moreAt Milectria Oy, the electric testing of all its products before delivery is an essential part of the manufacturing process. To enhance the efficiency of its testing operations, Milectria Oy will introduce a new automatic test equipment system, which will enable testing of even more complex electrical systems in terms of connections, components and functionality […]
Read moreWe are proud to start collaboration with Raytheon Emirates. An MOU has been signed for cable harness manufacturing. Thank you Raytheon Emirates for your commitment to continue developing the UAE’s defense industry in areas of advanced technology. In first picture Fahad Al Mheiri, MD of Raytheon Emirates and Tatu Piilola CEO of Milectria Middle East […]
Read moreWe are ready for coming IDEX 2023 Defense exhibition which which starts 20.2.2023. Please come and visit us Stand 10-D06 to discuss locally produced highest quality wire harnesses, cable harnesses and electromechanical assemblies.
Read moreGreat news from Milectria! Milectria has received an Export award 2022 from Federation of Häme region Enterprises. In the criteria of this award has been evaluated company’s scope of international operation, it’s meaning and possibilities for the company now and in the future. Milectria has been said to represent in this time strategic competence and […]
Read moreMilectria Oy has trained all cable harness and wire harness assemblers with IPC/WHMA-A-620 Revision D and everyone succesfully passed the certification exam. The IPC/WHMA-A-620 standard prescribes practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies. The standard describes materials, methods, tests and acceptability criteria for producing crimped, mechanically secured and soldered interconnections, […]
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